Wednesday, January 11, 2012

That VODKA Drink

So whats your choice of poison? What do you prefer to buzz your night out drinking? Long Island Ice Tea, Bloody Mary or a Screwdriver?

Believe it or not, these vodka-based preference are actually based on science. Essentially, vodka is 40% ethanol and 60% water, a combination that produces clusters of molecules called ethanol hydrates. Low structures of these can taste more watered-down which you will like to swill.

Take note of the calorie count though; Long Island Ice Tea -138, Bloody Mary - 120 and Screwdriver - 181. Now, will we go back to our Beer first love?

Fact Source: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry/Womens'Health 032011


  1. Beer (ex: San Mig Light) has around 100 calories; Premium beer (ex: San Mig Premium) has around 138+; While Alcopops (ex: Tanduay Ice etc) have around 300+ calories. I'd say, I'd still stick with these drinks.

  2. Thanks for this O.! :)
    I'll stick with BEER and its 100 something calories ++ I'll continue to mix my favorite VODKA cocktails, CHEERS!

  3. On this note, did you know that some girls intentionally do not eat anything prior to alcohol binging because of the high calorie content of the drinks? Like they literally starve themselves to death cuz they know that if they drink a lot that night, they'd also be taking in this amount of calories. Crazy, huh?

  4. Kitzie!! Yeah, you are right, crazy indeed - plus that's actually bad. Consuming alcohol with an empty stomach can hype up your acid levels and give you a bad case of acid reflux/acid attack. Also, it can get them drunk quicker than if they do drink with something in their stomach. CHEERS CHEERS!
